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DACH SME Procurement Barometer 2024:
From E-Invoicing to the Green Supply Chain

Digital technologies are revolutionizing procurement, and the DACH SME Procurement Barometer 2024 sheds light on this transformation. The 6th edition of the study takes a closer look at the digital transformation in procurement. It examines the balance between digitalization and procurement priorities in medium-sized businesses across the DACH region. It highlights trends, tools, and weaknesses while uncovering opportunities for optimization. 

Key Insights: 

  • Digital Tools – Understand how digitalization is reshaping procurement. 
  • Trends & Challenges – Explore the latest trends and challenges for SMEs and midsized companies.
  • Optimizing Procurement – Actionable tips for improving your procurement processes. 
  • Sustainability – Integrate sustainability into your procurement strategy. 

Download the study now to optimize and future-proof your procurement strategy! 

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