Premium Supplier in the Onventis Network

Impress your potential new customers with a unique and impressive profile. Create your personal supplier profile in the Onventis Supplier Portal, sign up for a premium package and increase your sales opportunities with over 1,000 purchasing organizations with approx. 1.2 milion registered users and around 20 billion US dollars in purchasing volume per year. Show customers the benefits of your products and services and which customers, product groups and industries you serve.

As a Premium Supplier, you benefit from the functionalities of the Supplier Portal and many other advantages in the Onventis Network.

Our Premium Supplier

The advantages for our Premium Suppliers

Increase market opportunities

Fair and transparent partnership

Capping onboarding and EDI costs

Become an Onventis Premium Supplier

Become part of our Onventis All-in-One Procurement Network for midmarket and benefit from our cloud-based solutions for suppliers.

These benefits are included in the Premium Package for you:

  • Flat rates for static catalogs, punchout and EDI connections
  • No transaction fees or revenue sharing
  • Free Plus profile in the Onventis Supplier portal
  • Onventis Premium Supplier seal for your own marketing
  • Publication of your demo catalog in the Sales System for demo presentations
  • Preferred Partner offer for exclusive participation at the Onventis Xchange

We look forward to getting in touch with you.

Do you have any questions?
Contact us to get further information or to become a premium supplier.

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