27. juli 2023 | Nyheter

Onventis and IntegrityNext Navigate ESG-Goals in Procurement

Stuttgart, 1 August 2023 – Onventis, the European cloud provider for source-to-pay processes in purchasing, and IntegrityNext, one of the world’s leading cloud solutions for supply chain sustainability management, become solution partners in supplier risk assessment. Effective immediately, Onventis will support supply chain monitoring by connecting its purchasing system directly to the IntegrityNext platform. Purchasing teams will gain access to ESG data from tier suppliers via the interface, perform sustainability analyses based on this data, and monitor their supply chain in real-time.

Geopolitical challenges, volatile markets, and a wide range of due diligence requirements make transparent cooperation with qualified and sustainable business partners within the supply chain indispensable.

Suppliers are thus assuming an increasingly important position within the companies’ value chain, and supplier management is thus becoming a decisive factor for operational resilience and economic success. Against this background, Onventis is expanding its product portfolio to include ESG risk information from IntegrityNext.

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