3 Questions for Nicole Brandes

Leadership in the age of digitalization

Nicole Brandes will be speaking at Xchange 2021 on October 6 about the potential that lies within each individual and how it can be accessed.

In advance, we talk to her in an interview about essential leadership qualities, how the Corona crisis affects them, and what you can look forward to in your live talk at the conference for digital networks in purchasing.

In your book “WE-Q: We Intelligence” you describe how social networks are revolutionizing all areas of life and that managers are faced with a complexity that can no longer be managed with top-down controls and as individuals. What are the 3 most important qualities that a manager must develop to be successful in the age of digitalization?

It wouldn’t do people justice to just throw down three terms now. In the past, progress was linear. Today, it flies around our ears on all levels at the same time. That has exciting sides! But it is also overwhelming and frightening for many. Managers have to come to terms with this – with their employees and with themselves.

Today more than ever, future fitness and performance are based on the ability to get the best out of people. Especially in uncharted waters and in storms. Very few people have learned this. All the more reason to learn and train this in a targeted manner.

Nicole Brandes
International Management Coach

Nicole Brandes is considered a key thought leader and top coach. She has over 15 years of experience in top business and has worked with some of the most successful people in the world, up to and including royals. When she began to wonder what makes extraordinarily successful people different and what they have in common, she threw her career overboard and began doing intensive research. Today, she has her own business and works with executives, entrepreneurs and public figures with a focus on self-leadership and potential development.

Is there already an impact by the Corona crisis in terms of leadership or what impact do you expect?

The unthinkable has become possible. And at a dizzying pace. If familiar breaks away, then the person is thrown back all the more on itself. Not to be swallowed up by the gigantic tides of upheaval and the omnipresent uncertainty, but to surf on the waves of possibility requires a great deal of adventurous spirit. By that I don’t mean just mindless bravado, but the considered courage to venture into the unknown, the mental agility to sail on sight and the confidence to be able to rely on oneself. This is where it will show who can do it.


What can guests look forward to during your talk at Xchange 2021?

Most people dramatically underestimate how good they are, how much better they can be. The human being is a fascinating being with undreamt-of potential. Only: it must be mobilized and how that goes, we have not learned as a rule. What distinguishes people who are extraordinarily successful? What strategies do they use? And why exactly are they so important for the future? You will get answers in my lecture.


Mrs. Brandes, thank you very much for the interview!

Xchange 2021

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