Milchwerke Berchtesgadener Land Chiemgau

The Berchtesgadener Land dairy was founded in 1927. The company is organised as a cooperative and belongs entirely to the approximately 1,800 affiliated farmers.

Milchwerke Berchtesgadener Land Chiemgau eG introduces the all-in-one procurement network Onventis in its purchasing department.

Onventis digitises the strategic and operational procurement processes of Milchwerke Berchtesgadener Land Chiemgau and supports purchasing in increasing the company’s success through material cost savings and process optimisation.

The Berchtesgadener Land dairy was founded in 1927. The company is organised as a cooperative and belongs entirely to the approximately 1,800 affiliated farmers. Their farms are located along the Alpine ridge between the Watzmann and the Zugspitze.

Since its foundation, Milchwerke Berchtesgadener Land Chiemgau has been responsible towards animals, nature and consumers out of conviction.

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