INTECO melting and casting technologies GmbH

INTECO melting and casting technologies GmbH is a supplier to the steel industry from Austria (Bruck a. d. Mur).

The company INTECO from Bruck a. d. Mur (Austria) introduces the Source-to-Pay suite Onventis in procurement. In the course of this, the company is initially using Procure-to-Pay, Source-to-Contract and Supplier Management, among others.

INTECO is the only supplier in the world that offers and has already commissioned innovative equipment and technologies for the entire process chain of steel and superalloy production. In addition to melting and secondary metallurgical treatment, this also includes all types of ingot and continuous casting plants as well as remelting units. INTECO’s product portfolio in this area is supplemented by rolling mill solutions and industrial furnaces.

As future technologies INTECO offers plants for the production of metal powders as well as plants especially for titanium production. INTECO offers automation solutions for individual aggregates as well as plant-wide systems precisely tailored to customer needs. The entire team and the INTECO brand stand for customized customer solutions, innovative product technologies as well as high flexibility and partnership-based processing. Market leaders in the steel producing industry worldwide rely on equipment designed and developed by INTECO.

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