ENGIE Deutschland runs Onventis

With Onventis, ENGIE automates its procurement in Germany.

ENGIE Deutschland is starting the optimization of its procurement processes in the Facility Services business unit for complex orders and the management of countless small receipts. The administrative costs in operational procurement are reduced, recurring order and approval processes are handled automatically and procurement is made more transparent at the same time.

About ENGIE Deutschland and the ENGIE Group

ENGIE Deutschland is one of Germany’s leading specialists in construction technology, plant and process engineering, facility management, energy management, energy procurement and industrial refrigeration technology across Germany. Since June 2016 ENGIE Deutschland is combining the expertise of various companies including ENGIE Deutschland GmbH (formerly Cofely Deutschland GmbH), ENGIE Refrigeration GmbH (formerly Cofely Refrigeration GmbH), ENGIE Deutschland AG (previously GDF SUEZ Energie Deutschland AG), ENGIE Energielösungen GmbH (previously GDF SUEZ Energy Sales GmbH) and H.G.S. GmbH.

Energy solutions and energy services | ENGIE Deutschland

Across Germany ENGIE Deutschland is represented at 30 sites and, in 2016, recorded sales of around 1.8 billion euros with 3,000 employees. The publicly quoted French parent company ENGIE SA (previously GDF SUEZ) is a world leader in electricity, natural gas as well as for energy services and, in 2017, achieved sales of around 66.6 billion euros with 153,090 employees.


Please have a look at our Customer Reference Video to see how ENGIE digitalises its procurement with Onventis

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