Wyndham Hotel Group

Wyndham Hotel Group is the largest hotel franchise company in the world.

We are the largest hotel franchise company in the world. With an unmatched portfolio of exceptional brands and the easiest and most generous loyalty program in the industry, we are the champions of everyday travel. Every day, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts welcomes the world like no other

We make hotel trips possible for everyone. Wherever people travel, Wyndham is there to welcome them. This mission, combined with our values, leads us in the way we work every day.

Please have a look at our Customer Reference Video to see how Sourcify digitalizes its procurement with Onventis.

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Our e-procurement experts present you the Onventis All-in-One procurement network.

Weitere Kunden aus der BrancheOther customers from the industryAndere klanten uit de brancheOther customers from the industry: Hotell & gastronomi

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