
With Onventis, LogCoop networks the affiliated logistics companies with the most important suppliers in the industry.

LogCoop GmbH is a logistics cooperation for medium-sized companies in the transport and logistics sector. Founded in May 2013, LogCoop offers over 142 members not only purchasing advantages, but also know-how and industry-specific solutions for all aspects of logistics. Within various networks, the cooperation enables the bundling of individual resources and the use of synergies. LogCoop actively promotes the cross-industry exchange of knowledge and information on forward-looking innovations and thus contributes to close interlinking of the members.

The LogCoop storage network was founded in 2016 as the first network of its kind, in which more than 80 members from Germany and 13 other countries now work together to bundle their storage capacities into a total of 3.2 million square metres of storage space.

As a multiplier and stakeholder, LogCoop cooperates with a number of partners and initiatives that serve the logistics industry.


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