Kelvion Holding GmbH

Worldwide. As a technology market leader, we produce heat exchangers for almost all conceivable industrial applications since the 1920s and offer tailor-made solutions even for the most complex environmental conditions – since 2015 under the name Kelvion.

With our compact finned-tube heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, single-tube heat exchangers, shell-and-tube heat exchangers, transformer cooling systems and cooling towers, we have one of the world’s most comprehensive ranges of heat exchangers and are a sought-after technology partner for the energy sector, the oil and gas industry, the chemical industry, the marine sector, the food and beverage industry, the transport sector, the data center sector, as well as building services and refrigeration technology. Our many years of experience and profound expert knowledge make us experts in this field.

Kelvion belongs to Triton since 2014.

Triton is an international investment company founded in 1997. The company pursues the goal of successfully developing companies in the long term and through cooperation based on partnership

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