Holiday Inn

At Holiday Inn® we want to make it as easy as possible for you, therefore we offer you a comfortable and affordable stay at more than 1.100 locations worldwide.

In the conception of our hotels we have also considered traveling families. Relax or meet for joint activities. Or dive into our pool and enjoy a perfect day.

Answer e-mails comfortably from your room or cause a sensation in one of our conference rooms. Afterwards, celebrate your success in the hotel bar and you deserve to stay in a clean and comfortable room.

Lie down in a comfortable bed, cuddle up in the warm down duvet and choose between a firm or soft pillow.

Please have a look at our Customer Reference Video to see how Sourcify digitalizes its procurement with Onventis.

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Our e-procurement experts present you the Onventis All-in-One procurement network.

Weitere Kunden aus der BrancheOther customers from the industryAndere klanten uit de brancheOther customers from the industry: Hotell & gastronomi

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