
SCHOTT AG is a leading international technology group in the fields of special glass and glass ceramics.

With the experience of over 130 years of outstanding development, materials and technology expertise, the company offers a broad portfolio of high-quality products and intelligent solutions. This makes SCHOTT an innovative partner for many industries, such as household appliances, pharmaceuticals, electronics, optics, life sciences, automotive and aviation.

SCHOTT’s goal is for its products to become an important part of every person’s life. The company focuses on innovation and sustainable success. The parent company SCHOTT AG has its headquarters in Mainz and is wholly owned by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. As a foundation company, SCHOTT assumes a special responsibility for employees, society and the environment.

In an interview with “Digital Commerce 360”, Jackie Primus, Senior Buyer at SCHOTT, describes how and why the glass manufacturer procures with Amazon Business Punch-in in combination with Onventis. With “Punch-in”, the procurement process can be started directly in Amazon Business and the shopping cart can be transferred to the source-to-pay solution Onventis for approvals.

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