E/D/E (Purchasing Office Deutscher Eisenhandel GmbH) is Europe’s largest purchasing and marketing association in the B2B sector for around 1,200 medium-sized trading companies.

The E/D/E (Purchasing Office Deutscher Eisenhandel GmbH) is Europe’s largest purchasing and marketing association in the production connection trade for around 1,200 medium-sized trading companies in the fields of tools, machines and operating equipment, building hardware and components, sanitary and heating, steel and fastening technology, welding, Safety and industrial technology as well as occupational safety products.

The sell-side solutions from Onventis have been supporting E/D/E member companies in process-oriented procurement under the product name eProc.III since 2004. As an Onventis sales partner, E/D/E also offers industrial services for MRO supply and smart e-logistics systems such as material dispensing machines, scanners, Kanban or RFID systems.


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